Cyber Smart

The purpose of my PLB is to share, reflect and celebrate my learning.

I therefore:

1. Understand that my PLB will only be used to share my learning
2. Agree to use my first name only on my PLB
3. Agree to keep my email address and password private
4. Agree to only share video and photos that I have permission to use
5. Agree to ask my teacher before adding any gadgets
6. Agree to manage my audience by only selecting the email addresses of those who are approved ‘readers’
7. Agree to inform an adult immediately if I discover any comments which make me feel uncomfortable
8. Agree to endeavour to update my PLB weekly
9. Agree to use appropriate language e.g. no text language
10. Agree to ensure that I proofread and edit my posts, remembering that these will be shared with an audience.

Blogging Behaviour

How do I write a post?
Make the title hook the reader in
Use descriptive language
Write about your feelings
Use humour (appropriately)
Add a link to a site
Ask your audience some questions
State your point of view
Show your post to someone else to get feedback
Check spelling, sense and punctuation
Leave your name (first name only, no personal information)

How do I leave a valuable comment?
Ask the author a question
Comment on something that they mentioned
State your point of view
Check spelling, sense and punctuation
Leave your name (first name only, no personal information)

How do I reply to a comment?
Thank people for leaving a comment
Reply back to people who have left a comment
Check spelling, sense and punctuation
Leave your name (first name only, no personal information)

1 comment:

  1. Really good advice on being safe online, especially leaving no personal information. The Year 6s at my school in Telford, England have produced a video on staying safe online; you can view it at


Please state your name and school/location.
Keep the comments specific.
Hope you enjoy our blog!