Test of Time

Some short presentations-sometimes minus their group members (FPS), showing the development of a once popular toy or technological device from the period 1970s-2010.
The children selected a vast range of toys such as tamagochi, old playstations games and pacman, through to failed original apple computers and brick cellphones and cd discmans.

My Project 9 from Simon Ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 17 from Simon Ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 4 from Simon Ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 18 from simon ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 10 from simon ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 4 from simon ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 3 from simon ashby on Vimeo.

My Project 3 from Simon Ashby on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the videos turned out really good and nice facial expressions Cosmo!


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